My Morning Bluess,,,,



    This morning,,, still with "Tea Warm ,tones and grains that are not neatly summed up ..." 8 AM Not make me figures hurrying to get going, (occasionally a late ,,Its Okay,,,) ,Purposely, I let the dark Tv,,, let the dark,, dark as the morning news was full of funny jokes and cheap issues-the Production House who pose as journalists!
     There are made here,,, Stay here at least for a time more,,, ,,,,,, ufffhhh "Fish ".... My litle.. I moved closer to him, yes,,,, My Giant Splenders Tiny (Its Not accordance with  name is ...) looks at me,,, ehmm,,, He can smile, Her blush embarrassed as he handed her want to "Close Up" who did not cover her face so sweet, he ... he .. he ...
     "This ur food Brooo," .. I said ... Sruuuppp,,, Tea Favorites warm guns who've done.No problem,,, It's Tradition ... Ritual "morning man" other than the guitar strings a million tones, and had my little friend ..
     I looked at Guitar my dear ... friends when I want to dream,,, best friend when I started tired,,, "I'll come home," definitely come home for you kidding,, find a tune sweeter than yesterday ... I know,,, Now you're not the only one. "Are you jealous yeeeaahhh ,?"... I asked if I could feel her heart,,, The voice that has given birth my Songs Mellow when I came back with sadness My love! he .. he ... he .... 


Moved past 8 AM,,,, my fish,,, Guitar,, Bass,,, keybord ... and Tea ... Hot Favorites
With them I survived,, resume it.Be separation promises and anxieties in the energy that never stops ....
"I'll be home ,!!!"
     Back to where I was accepted, where I felt missed,,, where I can pour freely love and all the dreams in every inch of my room ....
    So ..... I'm going home! For their stories,,, Missing them,,, Love them .... and a future they .... My red Guitar, Beloved Fish ,,,,, my dear friend,,,, new Bass Guitar? More than Stronger.. You're the foundation of the attitude I've ever seen! ,,,,,, oh almost forgot .... My Kurzweil Keyboard To the sound of Heart is not never tired ....
And ... my room, My warm Tea ..... I 'll be back" yeeaaahhhh ............
Daaaagggg ...........

By: Agusdewi

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